A Reader Review


River Jordan’s latest book, Confessions of a Christian Mystic, clearly connects with my heart and soul. Her words speak to me like a faded photo album from my own childhood.

River’s talent as a writer oozes through her “dancing swirl of words” in her description of the serenity surrounding her Nashville home. Her observations reflect an inner peace relatable to me as a Christian and, I hope, serve as a witness for those who might be looking for a relationship with Christ.

Skeptics of the term “mystic” need not be disheartened. River believes a mystic is “someone who desires to live and breathe and move in the presence of the divine.” Her story attests that she is doing just that.

Her analogies paint delightful pictures of the people in her life. I can easily imagine an Episcopal priest “as grand as Gandalf” and a guy “channeling James Dean.” Her references to pop culture from the last several decades make her story relevant to Baby Boomers as well as Gen X, Y, and Z.

River Jordan reveals her humanness in this book. She gives an honest and beautiful account of what a real Christian should confess to be: a flawed, but fueled-by-the-Holy Spirit child of God. She reminds us that all Christians, mystic or not, should show tolerance, empathy, and forgiveness.

I often pray for strangers because of River Jordan. Now, I will be more aware of the “company I keep and what conversations and influences fuel [my life].”