Blessings Abound

Blessings Abound

“Count your many blessings. Name them one by one.” Yes, our daily lives, even in the midst of a pandemic, are filled with blessings. History tells us the people who celebrated the first Thanksgiving likely experienced a plethora of perils.…
Shine Your Light

Shine Your Light

Welcome to October and its bright blue weather! As I’ve mentioned before, fall is my favorite time of year. Frost is soon to be on the pumpkin in Tennessee, trees are teeming with their new fall fashions, and Walmart is…

Sage Superheroes

  Grandparents Day, officially recognized by President Carter in 1979, occurs this year on Sunday, September 13. These grand gems deserve much recognition! According to Psalm 145:4, “One generation shall commend Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty…

Grappling Guidelines

For years I began the new school year by teaching Carl Stephenson’s short story “Leiningen Vs. the Ants.” Charlton Heston played the role of this character in the movie adaptation, The Naked Jungle. If you know anything at all about…

God Bless America

The month of July reminds me of family reunions, fireworks, fish fries, and fun times. I remember slurping watermelon on the back porch, running to catch the ice cream truck, and playing “steal the flag” with the neighborhood kids until…