Digging for Deeper Understanding

Who doesn’t love a dinosaur—or a dog or a donkey or a dolphin, for that matter?

This month’s featured devotions focus on these and lots of other unique and lovable beings, all created by God.

“He prayeth well, who loveth well

Both man and bird and beast.

He prayeth best, who loveth best

All things both great and small;

For the dear God who loveth us,

He made and loveth all.”

–from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge


When did God make dinosaurs? Archaeologists tell us dinosaurs lived over 200 million years ago. Scientists have needed to dig deep to understand these reptiles and all of God’s other wonderful creatures.

When I recently asked two of my nieces if they knew anything about dinosaurs, they immediately started singing the theme song to Dinosaur Train. They love dinosaurs!

Michelle Medlock AdamsDinosaur Devotions (illustrated by Denise Turu) delves into seventy-five discoveries about dinosaurs as she connects her readers with fun facts and Biblical truths.

Apatosaurus dinosaur from the Jurassic era

For example, the devotion entitled “Fierce Love” explains how the huge Apatosaurus, which weighed as much as six elephants, protected its young from predators. God loves us the same way!

“He is the ultimate protective parent.”

The “Love Always Protects” devotion tells us Hypsilophodon dinosaurs traveled in herds so that they could protect each other. The Bible encourages us to love and protect our own family and friends just like these cheeky reptiles.

“The Bible says we should put others’ needs above our own.”

These devotions provide great opportunities for reflection between parent and child as well as journaling suggestions for kids from preschoolers to future paleontologists.

Author Michelle Medlock Adams is also a contributor to All God’s Creatures, a book of sixty devotions published by Little Lamb Books and designed for kids who love critters from ants to zebras. Adams writes about the protective hippo, the brave lion, the rare panda, and the sheep who listen attentively to their shepherds.

Janet L. Christensen, another contributor to this devotional, describes the loving characteristics of a dog. If you’ve ever had a pet dog, you’ve experienced a special kind of unconditional love.

“He loves me when I am happy. He loves me when I am sad. Whenever I sit down, he hops up on my lap and gives me a slurpy kiss that always makes me smile. Even when I get busy and forget to feed him at the exact time that he is used to being fed, he still loves me. No matter what I do, my little dog just keeps on loving me.

Did you know that God loves you that same way? There is nothing that you can do to make God stop loving you. Nothing. God’s unconditional love is one of the most special gifts He has given us.”

Contributor Jean Matthew Hall reminds us that dogs are devoted creatures. They protect their owners and pull them away from danger.

“Your dog is devoted to you, wanting your touch, your attention, your words of praise, your love, no matter what. . . . Just like you enjoy having your dog near you and spending time with you, God enjoys your spending time with Him. Do you know why? Because He’s devoted to you, too.”

Great is His faithfulness!

This book also provides young readers with writing suggestions as well as related scriptures and prayers.

Growing up, I was always surrounded by pets. My sister and I cuddled and cared for a variety of cats and dogs. We fostered a parakeet named Pretty Boy and a pet grasshopper named Clyde Lee. When my father purchased a small farm, we raised collie puppies and gave a horse a home. I regularly visited my relatives’ farms where I became familiar with cows, pigs, chickens, donkeys, horses, and goats. I saw our cat Pursie and our dog Lady give birth. I watched our horse Sunset die. I witnessed the circle of life through God’s creations.

My family and I continue to enjoy these creations when we visit the county fair, the zoo, the aquarium, and “Granddaddy’s Farm.”

All these creatures, from the Giganotosaurus to the grasshopper, prove the awesomeness of our loving God. He has created every living creature, including you and me.

And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. –Genesis 1:24

“God is so good. He created you and me to be full of interesting features and individual characteristics that mix together to make us unique.”Rachel Pellegrino’s introduction to All God’s Creatures

Both of these devotional books reveal how dinosaurs and other creatures, much like us humans, come in all shapes and sizes. We each possess different looks, different abilities, and different gifts. We are all unique and worthy, and we are all an important part of God’s wonderful world!

Just like archaeologists and scientists have been required to dig deep to find facts about the animal kingdom, we need to dig deep to understand God’s Word. We can achieve that goal by setting aside quiet time each day to read a devotional and draw closer to Him. Like the scientists who have discovered fascinating facts about dinosaurs and all God’s creatures, you can also discover more about God’s love for you!

From the dinosaurs of old to the squirrels and rabbits and turtles inhabiting my yard today, I marvel at His menagerie.

Yes, Virginia, there is a God!

If you know children who love dinosaurs or dogs or donkeys or dolphins, introduce them to Dinosaur Devotions (©2018 by Tommy Nelson) and All God’s Creatures (©2021 by Little Lamb Books) so that they can grow closer to the One Who made us all.

“The Bible describes our relationship with Jesus as being similar to the relationships between the Eastern shepherd and his sheep—a relationship based on the sound of His voice. And make no mistake about it, His voice is God’s Word, the Holy Bible.”—from the February 1 entry of The Joy of My Heart by Anne Graham Lotz

“The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much esteemed were it not so common. Our Lord God has made His greatest gifts the commonest.”
― Martin Luther

“Animals are such agreeable friends―they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.”
― George Eliot

“Horses make a landscape look beautiful.”
― Alice Walker

Genesis 2:19; Proverbs 12:10; Psalm 104; James 3:7; Job 12:7-10



  1. Pete

    Well agin you have provided me with a terrific morning read and an insight into your relationship with God, family and friends. Keep up the terrific work of sharing your insights with all of us who read your blog and it is a great way to start our day.

  2. Debbie

    Thanks for the reminder that God’s creation is an expression of His love for us.

  3. I love this!! Thanks so much for including “Dinosaur Devotions” and “All God’s Creatures” in this very well done blog. I’m honored. ❤️😊

    • Joyce McCullough

      Thank you for your inspiration!

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