Easter Is on Its Way!

Hurray! Easter’s on Its Way!

Remember the song “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”? Usually sung at Christmastime and now being punned because of allergy season, this title makes me think of Easter. Yes, we have abundant life because our Savior came into the world as a baby, but we have eternal life because He died to save us from all our sins. He rose again so that we might also live again.


Bill and Gloria Gaither’s “Because He Lives” reminds us of the true meaning of Easter:

Because He lives I can face tomorrow,

Because He lives all fear is gone;

Because I know He holds the future.

And life is worth the living just because He lives.

Yes, Easter is a wonderful time of year, and it’s on its way!

“Halleluia! My Lord, what a morning! Up from the grave He arose!”

Let’s help children know the true importance of Easter.

This month I’m excited to feature the spread of that good news in several children’s books by Jill Roman Lord.

Her board book The First Easter Day (©2020 by Worthy Kids with illustrations by Kimberley Barnes) helps children imagine how they might have celebrated that first Easter day. As bunnies or bees or butterflies, they might have hopped or buzzed or flitted through the sky in their excitement. Today, as part of God’s creation, they can use their energy to tell others that Christ arose to give them new life.

The Quiet Crazy Easter Day (©2020 by B&H Publishing Group with illustrations by Kelly Breemer) focuses on even more critters that might have joined in the celebration of our risen Lord. For example, wolves howled, eagles soared, fishes blew bubbles, frogs croaked, and peacocks spread their wings.

That Grand Easter Day (©2018 by Worthy Kids and with illustrations by Alessia Trunfio) reinforces the events of that first Easter by repetition and rhyme.

“This is the place where Jesus first lay before he arose on that grand Easter day!”

From the stone that rolled away to the angel who spoke to Mary and Mary Magdalene, children can learn what happened on that first Easter and why they should know about Jesus.

Easter Is Coming, written by Tama Fortner and illustrated by Wazza Pink, takes children back to the beginning of time when God created the world and set His plan into motion.

Adam and Eve didn’t know, but God sent special messengers called prophets to share the Good News that “Easter is coming!” Because Jesus died and rose again on that first special morning:

“We celebrate Easter, to thank God for His great big love and to remember what Jesus did to save us.”

In a secular world where so much emphasis is placed on Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, I’m happy to share these books that help children know the real reasons for the seasons. I pray our world can make Biblical teachings a priority and train up our children in the way they should go.

Hippity, Hoppity, yes, Easter is on its way, but let’s remember Whom we should be serving.

Our risen Savior holds our future, and life is only worth living because He lives!

“Easter is never deserved.”–Jan Karon

“Dawn and resurrection are synonymous.”–Victor Hugo

“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.”–Martin Luther

John 11:25-26; Philippians 3:10; Luke 24:6-7; 1 Corinthians 15:20


1 Comment

  1. Pete Miller

    Children’s books about the birth and death of Jesus and his rising from the grace are the “golden ticket” for kids to start believing in Jesus and begin their journey to becoming a faithful Christian.
    These are the books that should be read; along with other Bible stories, to help them understand how Jesus can affect their lives for their entire life.

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