  • From Platitudes to Possibilities
    “Did you grade my essay yet, Ms. McCullough?” “When will the state send us our test results? Will we know our grades before school’s out?” “How many more…
  • Tribute to Teachers, Teens, Tweens, and Toddlers
    August always reminds me of the stresses that accompany a new school year. Yes, the month has thirty-one days, but as a teacher I felt the month would…
  • The Coolness of Connecting
    During this hot summer month, I am reminded of the connections I have made over the years with the coolest people. Take Nicholas Sparks, for example. I met…
  • Summer Newsletter: Author Interview and Two-book Giveaway
    Dear Readers: Happy first official day of summer to all of you! I am excited today to share an interview with my fellow author and new friend, Karen…
  • Reaping the Rewards of Reading
    Ah, June! School is out, and it’s my time to read! These were my sentiments every year when I was teaching full-time. I couldn’t wait to begin the…
  • Stories That Speak
    I love symbolism and allegory in literature. I remember once explaining the symbolism in Poe’s short story “The Masque of the Red Death” when a student asked, “How…