Spring 2021 Newsletter Guest Interview and Giveaway

Dear Reader:

Welcome to my spring 2021 newsletter and book giveaway! Let’s celebrate the new season with Little Ewe!

To win a copy of Laura Sassi’s Little Ewe: The Story of One Lost Sheep, you must (1) be a newsletter subscriber, (2) have an address in the U. S. continental states, and (3) make a comment on one of my social media sites. If you have not already subscribed to my newsletter, scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your name and email address. I will randomly select a winner near the end of the month and contact you for your mailing address. It’s not a requirement, but hitting that share button would be greatly appreciated. Many, many thanks to Beaming Books for their generous donation of a copy of Little Ewe for this giveaway!!

I am so ready for spring, aren’t you? We’ve all experienced a full year now of uncertainty, fear, and confusion; but hope is on the horizon! As the New Testament parable of the lost sheep tells us, the Great Shepherd is always looking out for us. This new season of spring reminds us we are in His fold. We may have been lost, but we can be found.

Today I am delighted to host my friend Laura Sassi, the author of five picture books including her most recent release, Little Ewe: The Story of One Lost Sheep.

Q: Welcome, Laura!  I understand from your bio that you graduated from Princeton University and UCLA before becoming a teacher. Tell us about your journey from teaching to writing. Did you always want to be a writer?

A:  I’ve always been a writer. Even as a child, I kept a journal, but my career path was to become an elementary school teacher.  I really loved teaching and my favorite subjects, not surprisingly, were reading and writing. When my own children came along, I stepped away from the classroom and started writing. At first I focused solely on the kids’ magazine market, but in 2007 or so I began exploring the ins and outs of writing picture books. I took classes, attended conferences and joined critique groups.  My first picture book, GOODNIGHT, ARK, released in 2014; and now, in 2021, I’m thrilled that my fifth book LITTLE EWE is out in the world for children and their caregivers to enjoy.

Q: How has writing children’s picture books affected your own spiritual journey?

A: This is an intriguing question. When I write for kids, I strive to see the world as they do, and it’s a wonderful reminder that God especially treasures the gift and ability of children to really see into the heart of a matter and to trust Him with the unwavering steadfastness of a child’s faith-filled heart. In turn, I hope my stories have a child-centered authenticity that draws readers in and sparks conversations about good things like kindness, love, acceptance, and God. 

Q: The story of the lost sheep is one of my favorite parables. What inspired you to write this particular parable as a children’s story?

A: I love all of Jesus’ parables, but, for me, there has always been something extra relatable about this one. I think it’s because the image of a lost little lamb and a kind shepherd who retrieves her is something that our hearts long for. It’s also an image that resonates with even the youngest child, for who doesn’t love to snuggle up with a sweet lamb stuffy? For all these reasons, and because I wanted to write a fun counting book that would bring God’s love to little lambs everywhere, I was inspired retell this famous parable with a couple of twists. First, my retelling is from the point-of-view of the little lost lamb. Second, I’ve incorporated a numeric climb as a fun way to add excitement, danger, and ultimately a sense of restored comfort to Little Ewe’s day as she wanders farther and farther from Shepherd.

Q: Little Ewe’s story offers a clever way to help very young children practice their counting skills. What inspired you to incorporate counting in the story?

A: I knew from the beginning that I wanted this to be a counting story. One of my favorite aspects of Jesus’ parable was that the shepherd left the 99 to find that one lost sheep. That counting aspect really resonated with me, but I didn’t want my story to be the typical counting book where readers just look for objects on the page that don’t necessarily relate to the plot. Rather, I wanted the counting in LITTLE EWE to be an integral part of the story, helping to escalate the tension as Little Ewe wanders farther and farther from Shepherd and to conjure feelings of comfort when she is found. I hope readers will agree it adds a rich dimension to the story.

Q: Illustrator Tommy Doyle has beautifully captured the emotions of Little Ewe as she innocently strays from the flock and then loses her way. I especially love the facial expressions of both characters when the Shepherd eventually finds Little Ewe. Tell us more about the book’s illustrations, and describe your favorite scene.

A: I was delighted when I first saw illustrator Tommy Doyle’s portfolio because I knew he would bring charm to the story through his illustrations. I enjoyed seeing early sketches and then later images as he brought full color to the spreads. I agree with you that he’s done a marvelous job capturing the emotions of both Little Ewe and Shepherd through facial expressions. I also think his use of color – getting darker as the day progresses – parallels beautifully to the darkening of Little Ewe’s spirits as she realizes she is lost. And that next to last spread, where Shepherd finds her, glows with joy. I just love Tommy’s use of splendid sunset hues to capture the warmth of their reunion. It’s hard to pick a favorite spread because they all work together so well to enhance the story’s mood. I love them all!

Q: Little Ewe encounters lots of God’s creatures on her journey. From bats to badgers, how did you decide what creatures to include?

A:  The creatures and other things Little Ewe encounters along the way in the story are not by chance. As part of honoring the biblical retelling, I wanted every encounter Little Ewe made to be rooted in the Mediterranean terrain where the original parable, told by Jesus, took place. And if you look them up, you will discover that sparrows, figs, and yes, even badgers, all resided or grew in the countryside Jesus knew and loved.

Q: I’m curious. Why does Little Ewe wear a red bandana?

A: Honestly, I think it was just a stylistic decision to add a pop of color to the spreads and to distinguish Little Ewe from the other sheep in the flock. But, it’s kind of a neat coincidence, for now that you mention it, it reminds me of the many times red is used in the Bible to show God’s special protection of His people.  And, as Christians, of course, the blood of Jesus (red) is what brings us back into right relationship with Him.

Q: What do you hope both children and adults will take away from engaging with this book?

A:  I want children and adults to know that just like Little Ewe, they, too, have shepherds who care for them. These kind shepherds include special people like parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers, and more. And who is the kindest shepherd of all? God, who cares for and loves them and wants them to return safely home to Him, even when they wander from the path.

Q: Where can readers find Little Ewe, and how can they purchase a copy?

A: Little Ewe is available wherever books are sold, i.e. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Christian Book, etc. You can also recommend that your local indie book store carry it. If you want to borrow it from the library, recommend it for purchase at your local public library. As an author, I always appreciate when folks bring my books to the attention of their local book stores and libraries.

Q: How can readers learn more about you and your future books?

A:  You can follow my blog or like me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.  





Thank you, Laura, for sharing some of your own personal story with us and for sharing the story of Little Ewe. Congratulations on the birth of this beautiful little lamb!

Click on the links below for fun crafts and activities to share with your little ones this spring.


Once again, readers, don’t forget to enter to win a copy of  LITTLE EWE, and look for additional copies wherever books are sold so that you can fill those Easter baskets on April 4.

Have a blessed and beautiful spring!

The Literary Lyonesse

“Little Lamb, who made thee? Dost thou know who made thee?”–William Blake

Luke 15: 3-7; Matthew 18:10-14; John 10:27-30


  1. Lindsay Thomas

    What a beautiful story! I hope one day I’ll have books published that will be shared on here, too. 🙂

    • Joyce McCullough

      Thank you, Lindsay!

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