Spring 2023 Newsletter: Author Interview and Giveaway

Spring 2023 Newsletter: Author Interview and Giveaway

Dear Readers,

Welcome to my spring 2023 newsletter! As we draw near to Palm Sunday and Easter, I am delighted to feature a children’s book related to Holy Week and share my interview with fellow End Game Press author Josie Siler.

Josie is the writer of the award-winning picture book Howie’s Broken Hee-Haw. Read on to find out more about Josie and Howie and how you can enter the giveaway for a copy of her book.

Welcome, Josie! With Holy Week on the horizon, I am happy to feature you and your book Howie’s Broken Hee-Haw. This is a precious children’s story about a donkey that carries Christ into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Unlike other donkeys, Howie has a unique style of braying. Howie believes his “hee-haw” is broken because he doesn’t sound like the other donkeys. However, when Jesus enters his life, he learns he is a special donkey, not a broken one.

Q: Tell us a little about your writing journey and how you got started being a writer.

A: I’ve always enjoyed writing, but I never imagined I would be here doing this! As long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a missionary. I went to school for it and made it all the way to being appointed to my first four-year term in a southeast Asian country before chronic illness changed everything. Part of my requirements throughout my missionary training was writing newsletters and short-term trip support letters. I even wrote some articles for my denomination. When chronic illness hit, my newsletters and blog for my supporters turned into the way I processed a major life change. Eventually I realized that God had given me a gift and that maybe I should take this writing thing seriously! I attended my first writers conference in 2015, and I’m still learning and growing every day. It’s been a wild adventure!

Q: What inspired you to write Howie’s story?

A: The simple answer? God and insomnia! I couldn’t sleep one night and all of a sudden, I had this idea in my head. I grabbed my phone and started writing in my notes app. The next night the same thing happened, and I wrote a little more. That was the first half of the book. I eventually finished the story, and it was published by End Game Press. It wasn’t until my first interview that I realized I had written my story. After living with chronic illness for so long and having my life changed in such a major way, I felt a little broken just like Howie. But God is so good, and He showed me that He doesn’t make junk. He made me on purpose, for a purpose. I’m valuable because He made me and that’s enough. I wanted kids to know how much they are loved and that they were made on purpose too. God brought it all together in a beautiful way that I never could have accomplished on my own!

Q: Illustrator Sebastien Braun does a beautiful job helping the reader connect with Howie’s personality. I was quickly drawn to the images that show empathy coming from Howie’s mother and the baby chick. What is your favorite illustration, and why does it speak to you?

A: The illustrations are amazing! I love them all, but I do have a favorite. It’s the spread almost all the way at the end where it’s just Jesus and Howie and a great big “Hee-Haw Hee-Ha-La-La-Lay-Luuuuu-Ya.” The joy on Howie’s face is the joy I feel when I think of what Jesus has done for me and how much He loves me. The joy on Jesus’ face shows that He delights in Howie and is overjoyed that Howie finally realizes just how loved he is. This is my life and my heart on a page!

Q: As an English teacher I have been trained to look for symbolism in literature. When I saw the yellow butterfly on the cover and then again on two other spreads, I wondered if you meant for that butterfly to be symbolic. Does it have any special significance?

A: I had absolutely nothing to do with that, but I also noticed the butterfly and I love it! Fun fact, there wasn’t a butterfly on the cover originally, that was added later and I’m so glad it was. I feel like butterflies are a symbol of transformation that represent the journey Howie goes on in this book as well as the journey we all go on as we become more like Jesus. But maybe the illustrator just liked butterflies! I don’t know, but I do know it was a fun blessing for me to see the butterfly throughout the book.

Q: Palm Sunday has always been a special day in my church, and our children traditionally begin our service by waving palm branches as they enter the sanctuary, much like the scene in your book where the children are welcoming Jesus and Howie. Do you have any similar or special memories associated with Palm Sunday?

A: I remember doing that same thing as a child. It was always so much fun to parade through church waving real palm branches. I grew up and still live in chilly Wisconsin, so it was a joy to even see palm branches!

Q: I see from your website that you have personally battled chronic illness, and you quote Romans 12:12 as one of your inspirations. I think this scripture also applies to Howie and anyone else whose life isn’t perfect (pretty much all of us). Do you have any words of advice for those of us who struggle with any kind of brokenness?

A: Absolutely. Romans 12:12 (NIV) says, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” There is always hope with Jesus, and not just hope for “someday down the road” but hope for today. There is joy for today. There are things we can be thankful for today if we take time to notice. I want to remind readers that there is a physical reality, but there is also a spiritual reality and that is so much more important. I encourage those who are struggling to look to Scripture and take note of all the things Jesus has already done for us. Look at who He says we are in Him. Right now. Romans 8 and the book of Colossians are great places to start!

Q: What do you hope your readers will take away from Howie’s story?

A: I hope readers will understand how much God loves them. I hope they will know that they were created on purpose, for a purpose. I hope they will look to Jesus for life and have the courage to walk with Him, allow Him to use them for His glory – even the parts of them they might not like, or think are broken. Jesus doesn’t make junk!

Q: Tell us about your current writing projects.

A: I wrote 10 devotions that will be included in the End Game Press devotional, Ordinary People, Extraordinary God. It’s set to release this summer. Currently, I am working on a 90-day devotional book for kids tentatively titled Howie and Friends that is scheduled to release next year.

Q: Where can readers purchase Howie’s Broken Hee-haw? How can they learn more about you and follow you on social media?

A: Howie’s Broken Hee-Haw can be purchased most places books are sold including Amazon and Christianbook.com. I have direct links to several retailers and lots more information about me and Howie on my website, https://josiesiler.com. Other resources can be found on the Kids’ Club page at End Game Press.

Thank you, Josie! I look forward to your devotionals, and may God continue to bless you on your writing journey!

Readers, over the next few weeks I hope you will find time to talk with the children in your life about the events that led up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Take them to church on Palm Sunday (and every Sunday). Share the awesomeness of God’s love as you read Howie’s Broken Hee-Haw together.

To help in your discussion, download Howie’s wordsearch featuring important words from the book. Ask your kids if they know the true meaning of words like praise and purpose.

For a chance to win a copy of Howie’s book, please share this post on social media and be a subscriber to my newsletter. Contest ends at midnight, CDT, March 22, 2023.


The Literary Lyonesse


  1. Pete Miller

    Always insightful. Everyone is broken in some way and the Lord gives us the way to be whole….thru him.

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