The Sign of the Cross


cross with lilies

Several years ago I helped to present the music for an Easter sunrise service at a rural neighborhood church. As I arrived early that morning, I saw a small group of parishioners gathered behind the front door of the church.

Someone had placed a Styrofoam cross adorned with Easter lilies on the front of the door. Peering through the window in the back of the door, the parishioners were excited to see that a nest of robin’s eggs, hidden and protected by the lilies, lay at the base of the cross.

bird's nest

The sunrise service started soon thereafter, and everyone momentarily forgot about the nest and the eggs.

After a glorious resurrection message, however, the congregation filed out the front door and witnessed three baby birds that had just broken out of their tombs and experienced new life. What a wonderful sign of God’s reassurance that He gave His life so that we might live!

(This article first appeared in the April 2009 issue of The Cumberland Presbyterian.)

Hebrews 2:4, John 3:16