Winter 2021 Newsletter

Winter 2021 Newsletter

Dear Reader,

I hope today, the first official day of winter, finds you healthy, happy, and hopeful.

As I continue to fill my December calendar with appointments, activities, and deadlines, I see 2022 looming on the horizon; but I am optimistic about the future. While the last two to three years may have been trying, we can look for the sun to come out tomorrow.

As an angel once said, “Fear not! I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.”

Like the star that led the wise men to the Christ child, we have hope for what lies ahead.

In Max Lucado’s devotion on hope from his book Because of Bethlehem, he states, “The manger dares us to believe the best is yet to be. And it could all begin today.”

This devotion also suggests that we focus on the lights surrounding our lives. When we rise early and witness a beautiful sunrise, when the neighborhood glows with the warmth of holiday lights, when we see brake lights on the car ahead of us, when we see the light at the back of the refrigerator, we can remind ourselves that Christ is the light of the world. As we find security in a bathroom night light or comfort in the glow of an Advent candle, we feel a sense of peace that only He, the Light, can provide.

According to Matt Rawle in his book The Heart That Grew Three Sizes, “Peace brings us into hope, and that hope shows us an everlasting peace.”

What we look for, we can find.

As I have searched for resources for my “fruit of the spirit” themes this year, I have been amazed to find exactly what met my needs—every single time! When I looked for a particular subject matter, I found it.

The love, the joy, the peace—all fruits of the spirit—that serve as Advent symbols of this season all lead us to the HOPE we find in the Christ child.

As you continue to celebrate Advent and finish out the days of 2021, I pray you are blessed to find love, joy, peace, and hope in your heart.

I want to thank those of you who follow my blog and subscribe to my newsletter. You are a blessing to me!

For those of you who won the Christmas books I featured in my giveaway—and for those of you who would like to purchase these books for your little ones—please follow the links below to find lots of great resources such as coloring pages and crafts.

C Is for Christmas by Michelle Medlock Adams

That Grand Christmas Day by Jill Roman Lord

Night Night, Angel by Amy Parker

Cairo’s Christmas Journey by Janet L. Christensen

I have also created a pdf of some Winter Scripture Cards about hope that you might want to include in your child’s lunchbox or share with a friend.

As we move closer to a new year, I want to encourage you to keep hope in your heart. In the words of my favorite author Alfred, Lord Tennyson, “Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.’”

I am personally looking forward to spending more time in God’s word and cherishing the good days ahead. I am also excited about sharing the works of some of my mentors and author friends. Beginning in January, I will be featuring a different devotional book every month and then giving away one of those books every quarter.

If you’re not already doing so, I encourage you to resolve to set aside routine time with a devotional that suits your needs. Check out some online sites such as, eVotions, Jesus Calling, or Our Daily Bread; and be ready for a blessing from some of the books I’ll be recommending. They are full of light and inspiration!

When I was a child, my mother gave me a devotional book entitled Little Visits with God, which made a lasting impression on me.

This “Special Reading for Christmas” again emphasizes how Christ became the Light of the world. Because of Him our nights never have to be lonely again.

Now tattered and torn, this book still reminds me of the importance of giving God a little of our time every day.

“Does darkness envelop you today, threatening to crush your hope? The Creator invites you to trust Him as he brings life from death, fellowship out of loneliness, multiplication out of your one life, surrendered to Him.”—from Day 356 “Life Out of Darkness” in The Wonders of Nature (©2016 by Worthy Inspired)

Once again, as we move toward the new year, I hope you will make plans to join me in devoting more time (perhaps on a daily or weekly basis) to prayer and the study of His Word.

I look forward to connecting with you in January and sharing some of those little visits with God.


The Literary Lyonesse



  1. Jack Whitley

    Thank you for taking time for all the people that read this.
    It gives me hope. I’m not a hopeful person alot of days.

  2. Mickie

    Your post is always a blessing!

    • Joyce McCullough

      Thank you, Mickie!

  3. Jack Whitley

    I can do all things through christ who strengthens me.

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