Winter 2024 Newsletter: Interview and Giveaway

Winter 2024 Newsletter: Interview and Giveaway

Dear Reader,

While winter doesn’t officially begin for several more days, Tennessee has already seen its first snow; and more wintry-like weather is in the forecast. Ergo, I feel led to share my winter newsletter a little early to give you a chance to win this giveaway and/or to order Maisie’s sweet story.

I am honored once again to welcome author Sandra Kay Chambers to my interview table. Last winter I shared with you her book Fingerprint Devotions, the details of which can be found at

Today I want to share more about Sandra’s latest book, Maisie Discovers Her Fingerprints.

Welcome back, Sandra!

Q: I understand Maisie is based on a real-life dog in your family. Tell us more about Maisie and her friend Sarah.

A: Yes, Maisie is a French bulldog, and she belongs to my daughter, Sarah, and her husband, Sean. She is adorable, has a unique personality, and is very affectionate. My picture book is based on true scientific facts about French bulldogs. They really can’t swim because they have heavy bones and thick muscles. They are also known for their loud snoring. The facts about the rest of the animals in the book are also true.

Q: You mention that Maisie’s story is a spin-off of your Fingerprint Devotions book. How did these two books make a connection?

A: They both are focused on a fingerprint theme and how God created us with unique fingerprints to show us we are one-of-a-kind, with special gifts and talents. Fingerprint Devotions is for ages 8-12, while Maisie Discovers Her Fingerprint is a picture book for ages 3-8.

Q: While Maisie may have some insecurities about her looks, I think she’s adorable! What is your favorite illustration, and how do you hope it speaks to your readers?

A: I really have two favorites: When all her friends at the zoo tell Maisie she doesn’t have unique fingerprints, but she just has paws, she finally gives up and heads home with a tear in her eye because she doesn’t think she is special. That tear represents Maisie’s sadness and feelings of not being special, and it yanks at your heart. The second one is where Maisie hides under a blanket when she gets home because Sarah has also discovered that dogs don’t have fingerprints like humans do. Now, even Sarah, her owner, thinks that Maisie is not special.

Q: I agree that those images do tug at your heart strings. However, if you read the rest of the story, you will find that Maisie is indeed special! Sandra, your book contains “Fun Fingerprint Facts” that will make for great discussion opportunities for kids and their families. Tell us more about your research and how you came to learn about the way God made us all unique.

A: During COVID, I discovered some interesting facts about fingerprints online and how every person has his or her own unique fingerprints. Not even twins have the same fingerprints! I dug deeper and started down a fascinating rabbit hole. When I emerged, I had collected lots of resources on fingerprints. During my rabbit hole adventure, I felt God nudging me to use these fingerprint facts to write a children’s devotional. Fingerprint Devotions was published in 2023. Afterwards, just for fun, I wrote Maisie’s book on the same fingerprint theme. I already had lots of fun fingerprint facts and just needed to write them for younger kids. The back of the book contains ten fun facts about fingerprints as well as discussion questions for parents to use. There is also a free, downloadable activity packet that kids will love, and it is available on my website at

Q: What do you hope your readers will take away from this book?

A: Like Maisie, our children need to know that they are unique and special and have a purpose for their lives. In today’s culture there is a battle raging for the hearts and minds of our children. They are confused by all the lies that attack the heart of who they are and what their purpose in life is. The core message of my two books addresses this issue. Children are assured that they are uniquely created by God who has a purpose in their lives. Each person’s unique fingerprints are proof that God created everyone with one-of-a-kind gifts and talents.

Q: How can we connect with you online and find out more about you and your other books?

A: Readers can visit my website to learn more about me and my books. They can also read my blog at

I’d love for readers to connect with me on any of the following social media sites:



Facebook Author Page:



Thank you, Sandra!

Readers, I hope you will consider adding Sandra’s books to your need-to-purchase list for Christmas, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Easter, or any other special occasion.

Maisie Discovers Her Fingerprint is available in hardback, soft cover and as an e-Book through Amazon at

One lucky reader can win a copy of Maisie’s sweet story by subscribing to my newsletter before midnight, December 12. Here’s the link to subscribe:

As a bonus, I will also be giving away a copy of my friend Julie Lavender’s book A Gingerbread House. To be eligible, please subscribe to my newsletter by December 12.

Thanks for reading,

The Literary Lyonesse




  1. Pete Miller

    I think children and adults need to learn or be reminded that that are unique in so many different ways. The idea of fingerprints is a good way to say we are the same in some ways; ie body make up or need for food, air and water, but God did give us each unique skills that set us apart and bring us closer to our creator. I use unique rather than special as it’s so very hard to define what is special about someone as it’s in the eye of the person we are talking about. But, uniqueness is observable by all who see or know us.
    Fingerprints is a good choice to show how we are all Gods children, but, our whirls and swirls are what makes us unique.

    • ms.mac614

      I always appreciate your comments, Pete!

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