Winter 2022 Newsletter and Giveaway

Winter 2022 Newsletter and Giveaway

Dear Reader:

As I reflect upon 2022, I am more than grateful for good health and daily blessings and answered prayers. My pledge to spend more time in the Word these last twelve months has blessed me beyond measure.

One such blessing is a publication contract with End Game Press for my children’s book Max and Her Stacks. I thank God for inspiring me and Victoria Duerstock for believing in me.

I have been dreaming of traditional publication of a children’s book for many years. During those waiting years God has blessed me with opportunities to publish devotionals and Sunday school lessons and magazine articles.

After retiring from teaching English, when I felt I might have lost my true purpose in life, God surprised me by giving me tools to write a blog and make connections with a supportive writing community.

Good news! I am finally seeing my dream come true!

Throughout the process of learning my craft, I have been encouraged by many people in the field of children’s books.

Years ago at a conference in Kentucky, I met Michelle Medlock Adams, a writer who encouraged me not to give up; and I am happy I heeded her advice. Perseverance has proven profitable.

I can relate to Crosby, the main character in Michelle’s Christmas book Dachshund through the Snow. Crosby is a teeny dachshund with big dreams—a character who also finds success through perseverance.

Like Crosby, I had big hopes of reaching my goal. However, I knew the competition was “doggone tough.” I also tried repeatedly to “ignore the taunts” and not be despondent over rejection letters. Like Crosby, I “pressed on” and found my purpose.

Crosby is a great example of perseverance!

Read on to find out how to win a copy of Crosby’s adorable story.

If you are a newsletter subscriber, you may recall my announcement last December to feature devotional books in my 2022 blogs. These books, relating the Word to everything from seasons to sports, and written for everyone from toddlers to teens and senior citizens, have enlightened me and given me new and different perspectives on old and treasured texts.

Most of the devotionals I’ve featured this year have dedicated a day in December to the good news the angel brought to the shepherds on the night of Christ’s birth.

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”—Luke 2:10

The angel’s news was indeed good!

However, as an English teacher I need to take a moment to give a grammar lesson. The adjective good has degrees of comparison. Its comparative form is better, and its superlative form is best. I don’t mean to be disrespectful to the angel, but I believe he should have used the superlative form when describing the news of the birth of Jesus.

The birth of our Savior was the best news the world could hear!

We all love sharing good news: birth announcements, wedding announcements, publication contracts, new job opportunities, and more. I hope we will share the best news of all this Christmas as we celebrate the true reason for the season.

As another way of celebrating my publication news, I am happy to give away two special books by two special people: Twas the Season of Advent, a devotional by Glenys Nellist, and the adorable Dachshund through the Snow by Michelle Medlock Adams.

To enter this giveaway, please comment on my website or on social media which book you prefer to win. You must also be a newsletter subscriber and have a mailing address within the continental U.S. The deadline for entering this giveaway is midnight CST, December 21. (Note: Winners will not receive their books until after Christmas, but they will make wonderful gifts for next year.)

In other news, I’m looking forward to featuring some of my favorite children’s books and their authors in my 2023 blog posts. Look for Jan Brett coming up in January!

Once again, I encourage you to continue making daily devotional time a priority in 2023. Perhaps spending less time with Wordle and more time with the Word will bring you a bevy of blessings.

Here’s the link to the Winter Scripture Cards from last year’s newsletter. Feel free to share.

Thank you for allowing me to share my good news, and remember to cherish the best news of this season.

Merry Christmas,

The Literary Lyonesse

“The new day had begun, and after today, the days would start to grow longer, and then it would be another year, and thinking about it, [he] found himself unable to imagine what it might hold in store for him.” –from Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher

“Hope is the thing with feathers/That perches in the soul/And sings the tune without the words/And never stops at all.”—Emily Dickinson

“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.’”—Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Jeremiah 29:11; Philippians 3:20; Romans 15:13; Psalm 39:7




  1. Melissa Clark

    Dashond through the snow!!!

    • Joyce McCullough

      Awesome! You have been entered in the giveaway!

  2. Pete Miller

    I continue to look forward to your blog and sharing of your faith and in this issue your good (best) news on your book deal.

    My choice is Twas the Season of Advent…looking to see some good devotionals.

    • Joyce McCullough

      Thank you, Pete! You’re entered in the giveaway!

    • Joyce McCullough

      Thank YOU for helping me grow my list of newsletter subscribers!

  3. Diane Miller

    Congratulations on your book contract!
    Merry Christmas!

    • Joyce McCullough

      Thank you, Diane! Merry Christmas to you as well!

  4. Malynne Vincent

    Congratulations on your contract! Such exciting news! You are amazing!
    Our book of choice is Dachshund Through The Snow!

    • Joyce McCullough

      Thank you, Malynne! I always appreciate your support!

  5. Teresa Gannon

    Congratulations to you! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas

    • Joyce McCullough

      Thank you, Teresa! If you’ll sign up to receive my newsletter, I can enter you in the giveaway!

  6. Debbie Hill

    Congratulations, I am so happy for you! If I win I would like “Dachshund Through the Snow”. I can’t wait to see your books.

    • Joyce McCullough

      Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter, Debbie. I have entered your name in the giveaway! I have some nice writer friends who provide books for me to give away every quarter.

  7. Justin Kanjanabout

    Joyce, I am so happy for you! If I win I would like “Dachshund Through the Snow.”

    • Joyce McCullough

      Thank you, Justin! I will enter your name in the giveaway!

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